8Dromeda Blog
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First Post!

In a true DIY spirit, I just finished rewriting the code for this website and writing the code for this blog. It is a UNIX Makefile + Python script that produces a static website. It has it's cons, but the pros are:
- Easy to test on a development machine
- Very fast and cheap hosting - can be hosted literally anywhere
- The site can never be down because of server-side scripting bugs.
I'm starting a blog here for writing longer ramblings and analyses about random things and stuff I am thinking about. Things like:
- Design of games
- Writing about the tech behind 8Dromeda games (and other games)
- Wondering about where to go and what to try
- Begging for people to try my things
- How to (not) get anything done whatsoever when you're tied to other things 38% of your wake-up time
I am interested in seeing whether somebody might be interested in reading the kind of stuff I might happen to write. This will also serve as a history record of things I have done.
- A of 8Dromeda
Next post: Project Soilnar
All Posts
- 2015-09-15: Developing Soilnar: Part 5 (days 37-54)
- 2015-03-23: Implementing things #4 (days 10-36)
- 2015-02-28: Implementing things #3 (days 6-9)
- 2015-02-23: Implementing things #2 (days 3-5)
- 2015-02-21: Implementing things
- 2015-02-19: The Soilnar plan of 2015
- 2015-02-12: What the fuck?
- 2013-11-24: Random Dev Notes #1
- 2013-10-26: Soilnar Progress
- 2013-10-11: Third Iteration: Intrusion Underground
- 2013-10-02: Check Twitter
- 2013-08-09: Scaling: The MMO Kind Of
- 2013-07-27: Soilnar July Update Part 4/4
- 2013-07-26: Soilnar July Update Part 3: Bitaeli
- 2013-07-24: Soilnar July Update Part 2: Network Optimization
- 2013-07-23: Soilnar July Update Part 1: Scaling
- 2013-06-20: Miscellaneous Questions
- 2013-06-16: Ternadim Progress
- 2013-04-01: Soilnar April Update
- 2013-02-02: Project Soilnar
- 2013-01-31: First Post!